Use marketing to grow k-w’s blue brand
In this simulation, you are being hired as the new brand manager at Kelsey-White, an American
multinational consumer goods company. Recently the firm invested in the development of K-W
Vision, a series of systems and processes that allow the use of up-to-date data and advanced
analytics to drive informed decision making about K-W brands. The year is 2019. The system is
populated with 4 years of historical data. As brand manager for K-W’s Blue laundry detergent, you
are tasked to lead the brand’s turnaround. Use the Vision platform to develop your strategy, grow
Blue’s market share, and become more profitable over the next 4 years.
In this simulation, you will have to (a) analyse the available marketing information and consumer
insight; (b) derive at strategic decisions; (c) observe the impact your decisions had on ROI and other
financial/non-financial metrics; (d) re-evaluate and continue to adjust your strategy.
Assignments are to be no longer than 1.5 typed A4 pages in length,
Use Times New Roman size 12 font with one inch
margins all around and 1.5 spacing