Unit 5 | Operations Management homework help
Work Design and Measurement
It is important that operations managers are comfortable analyzing business data, and then using the resultant information to make well-informed decisions that will ultimately improve operational efficiency, lower costs, improve “bottom line” performance, and decrease outcome variability that can be attributed to assignable causes. The unit reading will go over the concepts of methods analysis and the measurement of work. First, one employs methods analysis to breakdown a process into basic work tasks. Next, measurement samples are taken of how long it takes to complete each work task. Since there is usually variance in how long it takes workers to complete a task, statistical methods are utilized to estimate the percent of time a worker spends on the task, and how much is idle time. Once the methods analysis is complete, then it is possible to measure the time it takes to complete each work task. Basically you are using quantitative methods to measure work, rather than a subjective qualitative approach.
Unit Learning Outcomes
- Perform descriptive analyses on datasets using Microsoft Excel. (CLO 4, 5, and 7)
- Properly determine standard times for units of work using Microsoft Excel. (CLO 3, 4, and 5)
- Calculate cycle time commonly associated with time studies for production using Microsoft Excel. (CLO 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7)
- Use quantitative data as the basis for making suggested operational improvements within various organizational structures. (CLO 3, 4, and 5)
End of Chapter Problems (60 points): Answer the following end of chapter problems from the textbook:
Chapter 7 – problems 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, and 11 (pages 327-328, 10 points each).
View the following example videos before working the problems:
C7 Example 07-03 Play media comment. (mp4 20MB)
C7 Example 07-04 Play media comment. (mp4 30MB)