Stat 200 week 2 homework

STAT 200 Week 2 Homework Solutions


The median incomes of females in each state of the United States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, are given in table #2.2.10 (“Median income of,” 2013). 

(a) Create a frequency distribution, percent frequency distribution, and cumulative percent frequency distribution using 7 classes. Use the method described in your text to develop the class limits.

Table #2.2.10: Data of Median Income for Females


(b) Create an absolute frequency histogram for the data in table #2.2.10. Include a descriptive title and axes titles.

(c) Describe the shape and any findings you can deduce from the graphs. Discuss any outliers. Provide your answer as complete sentences. Pay attention to the SAMPLING UNITS. Are they women? States? Incomes?

(d) Create an ogive for the data in table #2.2.10. 

(e) Describe any findings you can from the graph. Provide your answer as a stand-alone complete sentence. Pay attention to the SAMPLING UNITS. Are they women? States? Incomes? 


Table #2.3.7 contains the value of the house and the amount of rental income in a year that the house brings in (“Capital and rental,” 2013). 

Table #2.3.7: Data of House Value versus Rental

(a) Create a scatter plot. Include a descriptive title and axes titles.

(b) State if there is a relationship between the value of the house and the annual rental income, and if so, what sort of relationship. Provide your answer as a stand-alone, complete sentence.


State which type of measurement scale each represents, and then which center measures can be used for the variable.

a.) You collect data on the height of plants using a new fertilizer.

b.) You collect data on the cars that people drive in Campbelltown, Australia.

c.) You collect data on the temperature at different locations in Antarctica. 

d.) You collect data on the first, second, and third winner in a beer competition.


An employee at Coconino Community College (CCC) is evaluated based on goal setting and accomplishments toward goals, job effectiveness, competencies, CCC core values. 

Suppose for a specific employee, goal 1 has a weight of 20%, goal 2 has a weight of 20%, goal 3 has a weight of 10%, job effectiveness has a weight of 25%, competency 1 has a goal of 4%, competency 2 has a goal has a weight of 3%, competency 3 has a weight of 3%, competency 4 has a weight of 5%, and core values has a weight of 10%. 

Suppose the employee has scores of 2.0 for goal 1, 2.0 for goal 2, 4.0 for goal 3, 3.0 for job effectiveness, 2.0 for competency 1, 3.0 for competency 2, 2.0 for competency 3, 3.0 for competency 4, and 4.0 for core values. 

a) Find the weighted average score for this employee. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used. 

b) If an employee that has a score less than 2.5, they must have a Performance Enhancement Plan written. Does this employee need a plan? Provide your answer as a stand-alone, complete sentence, referencing the standard against which your decision is based.


The lengths (in kilometers) of rivers on the South Island of New Zealand that flow to the Pacific Ocean are listed in table #3.2.9 (Lee, 1994). 

Table #3.2.9: Lengths of Rivers (km) Flowing to Pacific Ocean

a.) Find the mean. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used.

b.) Find the median. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used.

c.) Find the range. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used.

d.) Find the variance. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used.

e.) Find the standard deviation. Provide units. Show work or a screen shot of the software used.