Simplified marketing yourself plan for personal/professional branding

attached you will find the results of some test I did to myself to know my strength and weaknesses and all the instructions for the job.

Specific Assignment ElementsAfter you have completed the above steps, create a document as follows:1.Cover Page:Name, Panther ID, Major, Minor, Certificate(s), AssignmentTitle2.Introduction:Discuss the purpose for having a personal marketingstrategy.3.General Branding Goals:Discuss your brand aspirations for one, two, five and/or ten years from now. Describe how you will want people to perceive you.4.Specific Branding Objectives:Using the SMART goals method, write at least 5 clearand achievable objectives that align with your general brandinggoals.5.Strategies/Tactics:To reach your objectives, you’ll need specific strategies or tasks that clearly lead to those objectives. Discuss the strategies or tactics that will help youreach the objectives that you listed in Part 4. Have at least two strategies/tactics for each objective.6.Synthesis/Summary:Summarize your personal market strategy andprovide asynthesis of how the pieces fittogether.Assignment Formatting Submit as a PDF file upload. Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately 2-4 pages and should also include page numbering. Assignments should be completed and submitted before due date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating.