Rhetorical analysis essay about the letter from birmingham jail

 https://eac.instructure.com/courses/2221/pages/rhetorical-analysis-essay-number-3-desсrіption-and-explanation-4?module_item_id=208827 Rhetorical Analysis Essay #3 (Desсrіption & Explanation)-4 English 101 Essay #3 The aim of ancient rhetorics was to distribute the power that resides in language among all of its students. This power is available to anyone who is willing to study the principles of rhetoric. People who know about rhetoric know how to persuade others to their point of view without resorting to coercion or violence. – Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee What do rhetoric and rhetorical mean? (and why do these words keep popping up all over the place in this unit?) Rhetoric is the study of effective communication and persuasion. Rhetorical means related to or concerned with the study of effective communication and persuasion. Rhetorical analysis is analysis of how an author goes about communicating and persuading an audience. In doing rhetorical analysis, you look at rhetorical tools. Rhetorical tools are tools, or methods or techniques, the elements of argument—that an author uses to communicate and persuade. Two of these tools also use the word rhetoric: Rhetorical patterns are patterns or methods of organizing that an author uses in persuading and communicating. Rhetorical appeals are ways an author appeals to the audience in persuading and communicating. What is analysis? According to the educator Charles Bazerman, analysis is breaking a subject ″into parts according to appropriate categories or concepts.″ Through looking at these parts, you ″identify the subject′s underlying structure or meaning″ (155). So analyzing an essay means looking at different parts of the essay. The parts you will look at will be rhetorical tools: methods or techniques that an author uses to communicate and persuade. Doing a rhetorical analysis means looking at the different ways an author uses to communicate to and persuade the audience. For a list of the tools or methods you will use to analyze the essay, see Elements to Analyze below. You will use quotes, summaries, and paraphrases from the essay to support your discussion of these tools and methods. Why the obsession with analysis? Analysis is important in almost all fields. For example, educators and child care workers analyze students′ behavior before deciding on appropriate teaching and discipline techniques, scientists analyze data and observations before validating a hypothesis, auto mechanics analyze cars′ problems before deciding what to repair, and organizational behavior consultants might analyze a corporation′s management and employee relations before recommending changes. Because analysis is such a significant way of thinking, we will practice this skill by applying it to an essay. In addition, by analyzing how others write, you learn techniques that will help you be a better writer and critical reader. Desсrіption Essay length: 3 pages Must also include an outline and a work cited page in addition to the 3 page essay. Must be submitted before 11:59pm on Sunday, Nov. 15. In this paper, you will discover and write about how a writer accomplishes purpose. In other words, you will analyze and briefly evaluate how an essay is written. Through reading and annotating the selected essay, you will discover the rhetorical tools the author uses. In your analysis, you will describe how the author uses these rhetorical tools—or elements of argument—to communicate or persuade. In your analysis, your main focus will not be to agree or disagree with the writer′s ideas. Instead, you will evaluate how the essay is written—how the author uses elements of argument. You will all be writing this essay on the same text: ″Letter from Birmingham Jail″Preview the document – Dr. Martin Luther King Remember, your paper won’t be about the essay’s ideas as much as it will be about how the essay tries to persuade you of those ideas. You’ll be analyzing how Dr. King uses the elements of argument. Elements of argument to analyze In your rhetorical analysis essay, you are required to discuss the essay’s · Intended audience · Purpose · Main idea(s) and supporting ideas. In addition, you will discuss a few of the following: Evidence (facts, opinions, induction, deduction, logical fallacies, mentioning or conceding to opposing arguments, concrete details, quotations or dialogue, citations) Rhetorical patterns (illustration, comparison, contrast, definition, classification, cause/ effect, process analysis) and organization/structure (chronological, flashback, block vs. alternating) Rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) Implicit assumptions and explicit values Tone (serious, lighthearted, humorous; ironic, sarcastic, satiric; formal, informal, colloquial, slang) Other writing techniques and strategies (vivid, precise words; connotation and denotation; figurative language such as metaphors; clichés; standard written English; biased or bias-free language; transitions; parallelism; repetition; wordiness; misuse of language; euphemisms; jargon) Suggested process for rhetorical analysis o Read and reread the assigned essay and annotate it (see Everyday Writer 101-102 for an example of annotating). Here is another example of annotating. In addition to questions and responses, you should write notes in the margins about the things you’ll be analyzing. You′ll need to do this a number of times. Each time you reread the essay, look for and annotate for a different writing technique. For example, you might read the first time to figure out the main and supporting ideas; a second time to look at rhetorical patterns; a third time for rhetorical appeals; a fourth time for evidence, logical fallacies, and opposing arguments; and a fifth time for tone, style (including elements such as transitions, parallelism, repetition, etc.) and misuse of language. Look at the list of elements of argument to analyze (above) to know what you need to be annotating and later discussing in your essay. o Complete the rhetorical analysis worksheet. After you do this, reread it and think about which areas of the worksheet are the most important to the persuasiveness of the essay you’re analyzing. o Take notes on the essay′s use of the elements of argument analysis that you’re going to focus on. Be sure to keep track of the page numbers your notes come from, so you′ll be able to do MLA in-text citations when you write the paper. o Reread your worksheet and notes, looking for connections between ideas and for ideas that you could develop further. o Freewrite, cluster, brainstorm, talk, etc. about your worksheet and notes until you come up with a main idea about how the essay is written, about how the author achieves (or doesn′t achieve) her or his purpose in writing. You won′t be able to talk about all the elements of argument that you′ve noticed in the essay. Instead, you′ll focus on the ones that are most important. o Use the Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements forms to build your thesis statement. o Reread the sample rhetorical analysis essayPreview the document for ideas about how to write your essay. o Then, if necessary, freewrite, cluster, brainstorm, talk, etc., some more until you come up with a way to organize your notes and a working thesis statement. o Support your main points with lots of examples from the essay in a brilliant, wonderful, insightful essay. As you write, you will likely discover even more connections between and implications of your ideas. o Revise your thesis statement to fit the new ideas you′ve discovered in writing your essay, then write an introduction and conclusion. Revise the rest of the essay again. o Get a tutor′s feedback (use the online tutoring option through this site!) on your essay, then revise, edit, revise, edit, etc. Use Grammarly! Grading Here are the requirements I′ll be looking for as I grade your essay: an introduction that hooks the reader and indicates what the main topic of the essay will be; an analytic thesis statement that tells which essay you are analyzing, outlines which aspects of the essay you′re analyzing, and briefly evaluates the effectiveness of how the essay is written; supporting paragraphs that give examples (quotes, summaries, and paraphrases from the essay) of the elements you′re analyzing and which illustrate your insightful analysis; transitions and connections which show clearly how the details and examples you’re giving from the essay you’re analyzing support and relate to your thesis statement; a conclusion that effectively closes the essay by summing up your argument, or by asserting or reasserting more strongly and in new words your thesis, or by suggesting the implications of your essay, or some more interesting combination of these; and MLA-format documentation: In-text citations for all quotes, summaries and paraphrases (both in-text citations and Works Cited). Format See Essay Format for information on format.