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after reading and listening to the lessons for this week I believe they are correct in stating that in today’s world we often do not have to process the information we obtain because of the accessibility of the internet and television.  While there are many television shows which give good information, it also makes us less resourceful in looking for that information and does not command as much thought to form an opinion.  I believe that the presentations are correct in indicating that reading requires a person to imagine the scene being played out in the book before their view of the topic can be determined while television gives a view of the scene based off of a producer’s view and tries to influence the viewer’s opinion based on that view. We should have times where we allow ourselves to think freely on a subject rather than having it done for us through television. I do believe that there are many television programs which are very educational and offer insight which may be lost in a book because the responsibility is not on the reader to imagine the idea however, these should not be the only sources of information that a person takes in.  Reading a book will do a great deal more to encourage critical thinking than watching television because it engages your mind in a way that watching television cannot do.  God created human beings to think and observe the universe around them and we should engage our minds in a way that will bring glory and honor to Him. (Word Count 262)



I grew up in a home that didn’t read books.  My brother and I worked with my parents in the family business but our free time was spent in front of a television or on video games.  I was in my early twenties before I picked up a book to read it because I wanted to and not because it was required for school.  My childhood experience leads me to agree wholeheartedly with lecture lesson two’s explanation of how television has inundated American culture and the need for a balanced use of educational media.


Without the balance of reading and television, I can see in my own life the issues pointed out in the lesson.  I take responsibility for my actions but understand how so many can be lulled into the false sense of reality that television provides.  McConnell (1993) states in his investigation of many anti television points: “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it” (p. 2).  I would agree to his point for a fully developed adult void of previous influences of television, but for the young it proves too enticing.


No doubt, balance is needed between television, reading, and education in our culture.  In our day, that balance does not seem to exist and we live in a society of selfish individuals looking for their next source of entertainment.  I have worked hard to overcome my selfishness, immediately gratifying, and narcissistic ways; not that television created them, but it definitely nurtured them.  I can not help but think how much easier this would have been with the proper balance of reading, education, and Jesus Christ.


I agree with lesson 2 about balancing educational media. I was very shocked to actually read the amount of hours a child between the ages of 5-18 uses media. 15,000-20,000 hours seems like a lot of time spent viewing the media. I must first say, that I have in the past been one that would prefer the media way as to actually reading a book. One of my favorite quotes I use to use was “Is there a movie or show about it”? When a group or coworkers maybe talking about a book they read, and they would asked have you read it, I would say no I watched the movie instead, or No, is there is movie about it? I figured what’s the use to read it when I can just see for myself what happens by viewing it.  But, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I began to realize a few years back that too much media is not the best, or media is not always the best route. When using media more you don’t seem to use your own thoughts, or your own creativity. The media then influences the way you think. Imagine if maybe you hadn’t watched the movie or the new report, but instead read it.  Maybe then you might have a different view about it.


I also agree that television curriculum falls in the line of “cultural narcissism”. Narcissism is a personality characteristic associated with self-absorption,egocentrism, an overestimation of one’s own importance and abilities, a sense of entitlement and a disregard for others. This is where media begins the play a huge role in the way we see ourselves. Too much media exposure can lead us to think we are entitled to what we want. If we are exposed to, too much media then we begin to become affected by this personality change. This is where we see ourselves become someone we may have not been, had it not been for too much media exposure. This in return affects our decisions we make. Decisions about life, education, etc.


I am not saying that none of us shouldn’t watch television or expose ourselves to social media, I am simply saying I feel it should be limited. I experienced firsthand how media does affect the way you see things. As I stated earlier about watching the movie instead of reading the book written, I often wonder how I would have thought of the characters differently. How creative my mind may have been while reading, instead of seeing on screen what someone else created. I do feel we can learn something’s from media, and some of use need to actually see things in order to understand them, and that’s okay. With media time being limited, I feel we can broaden our creativity and our own thoughts.



I completely agree with the second lesson. When the lecture first begin I did not think that far into the difference with reading a book and watching television. But the reason in which I do agree with the lecture is because when you read you go into deeper thoughts. Television is more so straight to the point. Watching television does not enhance your thoughts through out. But the part that focused me into the lecture is when they compare content and attention. Content is way more important then attention, and that is where critical thinking come in once again. With electronics , and television we pay attention to it. That do not require us to do no thinking. Thats why some people rather just pay attention. The learning style is different electronic is more of a short learning system. For example if you teaching someone something thats like teaching them through a power point vs. teaching them hands on. When you teach them hands on the will definitely know more if you teach step by step because they are able to go through the thought process of doing it while you are going along. There structures are completely different, and I do understand that people like taking different routes but the easy route is not always good. So with that being said I will rather read because I like having deeper thoughts and letting my mind process what I am dealing with. I am more engaged and ready is more engaging because you have to pay attention when you reading in order to comprehend it.



I agree with the second lesson on media.  I especially agree with the fact we watch too much T.V.  I have never thought about the difference between reading a book and watching T.V. Although, have always enjoyed a good book and using my imagination by reading and making a picture of my own. I also enjoy reading a book and then watching the movie based on the same book, then I can see how someone else vision on the book.  I have never thought about watching too much T.V. being harmful do to the fact that it doesn’t take much brain exercise to watch. Now it has been brought to my attention I can see how too much T.V. could be harmful especially to our children.  We should exercise our brain more to keep it sharp.  If we do not use it we lose it.