Reflection paper philisophy | Philosophy homework help

You may choose to write your paper on any question, theme or thinker(s) dealt with in this course. Keep in mind that writing in the area of philosophy requires a basic level of clarity, rigor and coherence of thought that may not be demanded of you in other disciplines. 

THE TOPIC IS BHAGVAD-GITA AND THE REFLECTION PAPER SHOULD SUPPORT THE BELOW FACTS KEEP IT IN MIND – (the sort of life Krishna recommends (knowing the true nature of the self, doing one’s moral duty, being unconcerned with the “fruits of one’s actions,” unconditionally devoting oneself to the divine) would be a good way to live)

There are two main requirements for every paper: 

1) our paper must show me that you have engaged seriously and substantively with at least one or two of the major thinkers dealt with in the assigned readings This will require you to both read carefully and dedicate some portion of your paper to explaining some set of concepts you encountered in the readings. This assignment, however,will require you to do more than write a simple summary or “report”

2)Your paper must offer your own reflection or interpretive perspective on whatever question you are exploring. In other words, your paper must critically and creatively engage with the ideas explored in the readings, and develop its own “take” on them. A concise summary of this interpretive “take”must be articulated in the form of a concise thesis statement (two sentences is ideal) placed at the end of your introductory section.