Preparing for the lesson planning projects
As you begin the next three projects, 700.3, 700.4, and 700.5, it is important that you know the purpose and goals of the projects.
Texas Teachers and all educator preparation programs are required to provide evidence that you can meet the standards for a professional educator. Projects 700.3, 700.4 and 700.5 meet the requirements from:
Standard 1: Instructional Planning and Delivery. Teachers demonstrate their understanding of instructional planning and delivery by providing standards-based, data-driven, differentiated instruction that engages students, makes appropriate use of technology, and makes learning relevant for today’s learners.
Standard 3: Content Knowledge and Expertise. Teachers exhibit a comprehensive understanding of their content, discipline, and related pedagogy as demonstrated through the quality of the design and execution of lessons and their ability to match objectives and activities to relevant state standards.
The projects are not like the lesson plans you submit at a school. These are projects, designed to see if you know the technical elements of lesson planning. The projects are designed to evaluate your knowledge and skills in lesson planning. The three projects are comprehensive, but each project scores a different aspect of the lesson plan. Please allow 3 – 5 business days for scoring.
700.3 (this project) evaluates your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Using the state standard to write learning objectives
- Aligning the rigor of the state standard to the rigor of the learning objective
- Developing a performance measure that is aligned to the state standard and is included in the learning objective
- Recognizing the basic elements of lesson planning
- Be sure your learning objective includes the assessment. You must include how you will measure student learning in the learning objective. People fail this project because they do not include this in their learning objective.
For 700.3, you will write three complete lesson plans and submit each one for evaluation and feedback. You will find the TEKS by subject area here (Links to an external site.).
Please use the following format for submission of your plans. This is not a traditional lesson plan format but is designed to walk you through the process of what will be evaluated. Additionally, you may download the rubric here
to understand the expectations of the project. You must score at least 32 out of 40 points on each lesson plan to be successful. You may submit each plan until you reach the passing score, or until you have reached four re-submissions. The following exemplar lesson plan
may also be useful for you.