Power point, use part a and part b
The student must develop and present live (in the case of a face-to-face course) the power point presentation, including observations, if any, previously made by the professor to Parts A and B of the Project.
Please follow the following requirements:
to. Prepare the presentation in “power point” format
b. Use nine (9) screens
– 1st screen: Cover with the title of the presentation, name of the course, name and number of the student, date and email
– 2nd screen: Description of the Problem (s)
– 3rd screen: Description of the solution
– 4th Screen: Strategy
– 5th and 6th Screens: Recommended activities and / or events
– 7th Screen: Description of resources necessary to carry out the solution
– 8th Screen: Conclusion
– 9th Screen: References
c. Use a maximum of 5 bullets per screen
d. Use visuals in the presentation, yes they apply
and. Choose Times New Roman font (Titles size 40 points, text 32 points up to 28 points)
F. Validate your recommendation using at least eight references
g. Include bibliography of references at the end of the presentation