Keeping employees motivated | English homework help


If you have taken the time to review Herzberg’s work, you may have  learned that people accept a job and stay on the job for different  motivational reasons.  Job satisfaction is achieved through what  Herzberg would categorize as motivational factors (personal growth;  responsibility; the work itself; opportunities for achievement,  advancement, recognition; and/or to make a positive difference) rather  than hygiene factors (status, salary, job security, types of  supervision, etc.).

Using at least three comparison web examples from the industry you  used in your “Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory” discussion post this week,  delineate a creative employee benefits plan designed to keep your best  employees satisfied and motivated.  Remember to include all of the links  as well as references from the course text and other sources to support  your rationale. 

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.



Keeping Employees Motivated

Using at least three comparison web  examples from the industry you used in your “Herzberg’s Two-Factor  Theory” discussion post this week, delineate a creative employee  benefits plan designed to keep your best employees satisfied and  motivated.  Remember to include all of the links as well as references  from the course text and other sources to support your rationale. 

Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk does  his best to inspired his employees and keep them from leaving.   Motivating them to succeed and by helping them feel like they’re part  of a larger team. (

Gates often explained that he was  always aggressive but never ruthless. He was a bit controlling, and  admitted in the interview that it was probably a bit ridiculous that he  was tracking employee activities but He was hungry and he motivated  other to be hungry as well. He wanted everyone else to be just as  hungry. (

Mark Zuckerberg uses the power of  working together, “If someone tells me I can’t do something or that the  odds are against me, I’m not only inspired to prove them wrong, I’ll  motivate others to win with me.” When others are cautious, He always  reminded his team of the risks that were taken in the past to be  successful and that it could be done again. With clarity as he could and  assurance that he was speaking to the issues that could make the most  difference.” This approach takes a lot of work but when done right it  certainly pays off. (

The required text states “Organizations  should offer a wide range of benefits that cater to the needs of  diverse groups of workers and that can be customized to each employee or  group of employees based on their needs.” Leopold (2010) As we live in a  global market place, benefits should be tailored to meet the needs of  said employee. I included some information in my post on how difference  innovators motivated employees, the root of these gentlemen principal  was “ownership” and not “things”. (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2014)

 Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E., (2014). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications [Electronic version]



In regards to Maslow hierarchy of needs, individuals want to feel  wanted and involved with colleagues and managers social gatherings,  which can happen during social gatherings at work and on personal time.  “Esteem needs are achieved though recognition or achievement, both of  which can only be attained through meeting, or exceeding, the  expectations of society; expectations based on the values and beliefs  determined by culture” (Gorman, 2010, p. 27). Employees who are  recognized for contributions they have made will feel unappreciated  which will create low morale.

When complicated tasks have to be completed accurately within a  timely basis, workers need extra compensation on top of their wages to  do the task efficiently and effectively. “An employee who views bonuses  as linked to performance on a task is more likely to focus on that task.  The more strongly performance is linked to rewards, the more motivating  the rewards are” (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2014, p. 9.1). Employees  that make decent wages will consider that a norm and will not put forth  effort into a task that requires extra effort if they are not given some  type of bonus perk. Furthermore, the incentive does not have to evolve  around money, it can be a day off from work or free lunch.

While employees can be satisfied with their wages, bonuses and  relationship with peers, they can grow tired of performing the same work  task at the same location. “Remote employees were 32% Engaged, 50%  percent Not Engaged, 18% Actively Disengaged.   On-site employees were  28% Engaged, 51% Not Engaged, 20% Actively Disengaged.” (Lipman, 2013,  para. 5). Giving workers assignments that require then to travel to  different locations or work at home a few times out a month can create  enthusiasm amongst colleagues which will create an eagerness to work.


Gorman, D. (2010). Maslow’s hierarchy and social and emotional wellbeing. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, 34(1), 27-29.

Lipman, V. (2013, Sep. 23). Surprising, disturbing facts from the mother of all employee engagement surveys. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E. (2014). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)