Final project : proposal, presentation, and reflection

For May 5th: Although you are not required to submit the proposal component of  your final project this week, you should put the finishing touches on  the proposal now to make sure you have enough time to develop your  presentation next week. You will submit the proposal, presentation, and  reflection for grading in Module Nine.

Remember that all of the discussions and milestones have built up to this proposal.

For the proposal (the first component of the final project), you will  develop a well-organized research concept paper that lays the  foundation for a solid plan to implement research. First, you must  choose a relevant problem that aligns with your focus within the field  of psychology and with how you plan to position yourself professionally.  You can choose a problem that has a gap in our understanding and then  provide an explanation of psychological phenomena and variables. Or you  can choose an applied problem that directly involves the psychological  well-being of individuals, communities, or organizations.

For May 12th: Submit all of the elements of your final project: the proposal, the  presentation, and the reflection. All three components will be evaluated  as a whole with the same rubric.

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