Ethical and legal considerations graphic organizer and analysis
Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.
Part 1:
Reflect on what you consider to be the primary ethical and legal considerations for teachers in a K-8 educational setting.
Create a chart, Venn diagram, or other graphic organizer to compare and contrast the primary legal and ethical considerations for educators.
Part 2:
Search the Internet for two to three articles that discuss unethical conduct of teachers in a K-8 educational setting.
Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the articles that addresses the following questions:
- What type of ethical misconduct was described in the articles?
- How does the teacher conduct described in each article demonstrate “right versus wrong”? Explain how each teacher’s behavior is unethical.
- What are some privileges and responsibilities associated with being a teacher?
- Who is responsible for addressing unethical conduct of teachers?
- What are some potential consequences for teachers displaying unethical conduct?
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page.
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way:
Part 1:
Reflect on what you consider to be the primary ethical and legal considerations for teachers in a K-8 educational setting.
Create a chart, Venn diagram, or other graphic organizer to compare and contrast the primary legal and ethical considerations for educators.
Part 2:
Search the Internet for two to three articles that discuss unethical conduct of teachers in a K-8 educational setting.
Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the articles that addresses the following questions:
- What type of ethical misconduct was described in the articles?
- How does the teacher conduct described in each article demonstrate “right versus wrong”? Explain how each teacher’s behavior is unethical.
- What are some privileges and responsibilities associated with being a teacher?
- Who is responsible for addressing unethical conduct of teachers?
- What are some potential consequences for teachers displaying unethical conduct?
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page.
35 Points
ü Major points are organized logically and clearly.
ü Major points are tied together with a main idea or theme.
ü Paper has overall cohesion through effective use of transitions throughout.
ü Presentation has an effective introductory paragraph that introduces the reader to the topic and what to expect in the paper.
ü Presentation has a concluding paragraph that effectively summarizes and ties together all main points.
ü Tone, voice, style, and vocabulary are appropriate to audience and topic.
ü Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and varied.
ü Language is professional and does not include colloquial expressions or informal wording.
15 Points
ü APA format is followed
ü Presentation is eye appealing and correct.
ü Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling are followed as are English writing conventions.
Total Points Possible
Total Points Earned
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