Educ 200 quiz 2 | Applied Sciences homework help


1010Question 1 1

  1. Teachers in foreign (or world) language departments      have sought to attract more students by


making more use of language labs.


expanding their course offerings   and integrating the study of language with the study of culture.


using the audio-lingual approach.


decreasing the course requirements   for most language classes.

2 points   

Question 2 

  1. Teaching is significantly affected by the teacher’s      attitude toward


the practice of habits.


being a professional.


other teachers, parents, and the   subject.


teacher education training.

2 points   

Question 3 

  1. How has the content of textbooks been affected by the      standards-based movement?


The content standards in a few   large states determine the content in the books.


Fewer textbooks are being used in   most states.


There has not been much change in   the content of the textbooks.


Teachers have been creating their   own curriculum rather than using textbooks.

2 points   

Question 4 

  1. An essential part of understanding and dealing with the      feelings of students is


watching students’ behavior out of   class.


taking courses in adolescent   psychology.


studying students’ records and   talking to their previous teachers.


knowing and understanding one’s own   feelings.

2 points   

Question 5 

  1. Brian, frustrated by his math worksheet, tears the      paper in half. Which of the teacher’s following responses would best      characterize what psychologist Carl Rogers calls “empathic understanding”?


“Joanna, why don’t you sit with   Brian and help him with his math worksheet? He needs your help.”


“Brian, tearing your math   worksheet is not a constructive way to solve your problems.”


“You were working on those   problems for some time without getting many done. Why don’t you show me where   you got stuck?”


“Math was always my worst subject,   too. Finally, I just realized I was better at other things.”

2 points   

Question 6 

  1. What is the best description of cooperative learning?


Students working in small groups   or teams to help one another learn academic material


Bringing together various segments   of the curriculum in meaningful association


An emphasis on writing as a tool   for student learning


Reversing the order of homework   and lecture elements of the course. The video lecture is viewed at home while   the homework and discussion is completed during the class period.

2 points   

Question 7 

  1. A focus on problem solving is considered an innovative      instructional approach. How is problem solving best described?


Providing students with a problem   and giving them independence to solve it


Providing students with a problem   and then observing and helping them become aware of conditions, procedures,   and steps needed to solve it.


Providing students with a problem   and multiple-choice answers in order to choose the best solution


All of the above

2 points   

Question 8 

  1. A student listens to an editorial response on the TV      news in which the speaker charges that a city politician is acting like Macbeth.      The student immediately knows by the reference to Macbeth that the city      politician is trying to usurp power, according to the speaker. The student      is able to make that connection because


of her critical thinking skills.


of her powers of memorization.


she is culturally literate.


she has had courses in British   history.

2 points   

Question 9 

  1. During an Open House night, Tyrone Green met with      parents of his Algebra I students. He briefly mentioned some of the      fundamental concepts in Algebra I and spent most of his time explaining      his techniques for teaching Algebra I to ninth-graders. What kind of      knowledge did Tyrone use to explain how he teaches algebra?


Discipline content knowledge


Pedagogical content knowledge


Curriculum content knowledge


Theory-in-use knowledge

2 points   

Question 10 

  1. Current trends in math instruction are likely to lead      to graduates who are able to


add long columns of numbers   accurately in their heads.


explain math theories and concepts   with insight and ease.


use mathematical reasoning to   solve real problems that confront them.


find exact answers speedily by   referring to texts and tables.

2 points   

Question 11 

  1. Which of the following are guiding the development of      physical education curricula?


Focus on individual rather than   team sports skills


Coordination, endurance, and   strength goals


Information on nutrition


Development of aerobic capacity   and appropriate levels of body fat

2 points   

Question 12 

  1. Which of the following is an example of      “self-fulfilling prophecy?”


If a teacher believes in herself,   she will be effective.


Students will achieve to match the   teacher’s expectation of them.


If the students believe in the   teacher, he will be effective.


if students believe in themselves,   then they will be effective 

2 points   

Question 13 

  1. Which personality trait or traits do many people      believe are most critical in successful teaching?


Enthusiasm and sensitivity




Empathy and humor


All of the above 

2 points   

Question 14 

  1. According to Gary Borich, which of the following is a      characteristic behavior of effective teachers?


They present challenging tasks so   that students have to work exceptionally hard to experience success.


They spend a great deal of time   going over procedural matters.


They present lessons in the same   instructional format for consistency.


They present lessons clearly and   logically.

2 points   

Question 15 

  1. Which of the following teachers best exemplifies the      behavior of a reflective teacher?


Keshia reviews her lessons each   day after teaching and keeps a teaching journal.


Anselm talks frequently to veteran   teachers to see how they teach particular topics.


Darnell uses commercially prepared   instructional materials when he begins a unit.


Tina prepares detailed thematic   units demonstrating the most recent research on different learning styles.

2 points   

Question 16 

  1. A teacher’s attitude toward students plays an obvious      role in influencing teacher behavior. Which other attitude also plays an      important role?


A teacher’s attitude toward his or   her teacher education program


A teacher’s attitude toward his or   her colleagues


A teacher’s attitude toward professional   associations


A teacher’s attitude toward his or   her own parents

2 points   

Question 17 

  1. According to the recent trends in foreign (or world)      language instruction, which of the following would one expect to see in      foreign language classes?


More programs starting early in   elementary schools


More integration of international   and multicultural education content


Use of the Internet to access   current materials from other countries


All of these

2 points   

Question 18 

  1. Which of the following has had the most influence over      the content of the curriculum in the past decade?


Back-to-basics movement


Standards-based movement


Decreases in financial support


Technology revolution in education

2 points   

Question 19 

  1. An example of differentiation provided at the      elementary level is through the project approach which includes an      in-depth investigation of a real-world topic. This approach uses a set of      teaching strategies to guide the children through their investigation.      Which of the following choices is not part of the project approach?


An opening event is used to   capture the students’ attention which sparks interest.


Children participate in some type   of field trip to investigate the topic and to try to answer the questions.


A culminating event takes place in   which the children can demonstrate their knowledge of the subject through   differentiated imaginative activities


Projects adhere to guidelines   which all students complete in a similar fashion

2 points   

Question 20 

  1. Which of the following is not included in Weinstein and      Weber’s specific suggestions for designing classroom space ?


Almost always arrange desks/tables   into rows and columns for orderly pathways through the room


Personalize the classroom by   including displays that reflect students’ cultural backgrounds, interests,   and accomplishments, as well as your own interests, goals, and values.


Organize shelves and storage areas   so students know where materials and equipment belong


Arrange seating so students have a   clear view of instructional presentations.

2 points   

Question 21 

  1. According to Good and Brophy (2008), teachers tend to      treat low and high achieving students differently. In what ways do      teachers treat low achievers differently from high achievers?


Teachers wait less time for low   achievers to answer a question.


Teachers reward low achievers for   correct answers more often than high achievers.


High achievers are praised less   frequently for success compared to low achievers.


Low achievers are criticized for   failure less often when compared to high achievers.

2 points   

Question 22 

  1. Which of the following are traits that effective      teachers demonstrate in their dealings with peers, administrators, and      parents?


Intellectual rigor and   competitiveness


innovativeness in problem solving


Competence and control of students


Cooperation, collaboration, and   acceptance of others

2 points   

Question 23 

  1. The Common Core standards were developed because of the      belief by many people that


What students should learn in   English language arts and mathematics shouldn’t differ depending on the state   they live in.


Some state standards have   weaknesses in the difficulty level of the standards and in the tests used to   evaluate them


Students should graduate and be   prepared to succeed in entry level college courses and workplace training   programs


All of the above

2 points   

Question 24 

  1. The process of teacher who continually examines and      evaluates her attitude, practices, effectiveness and accomplishments is      called


Personal practical knowledge




Reflective teaching 


Pedagogical content   knowledge 

2 points   

Question 25 

  1. In general, educational writers comment that textbooks


provide sufficient depth of   coverage.


are written in a lively, varied   style.


typically pique students’ interest   and stimulate student learning.


match none of the descriptions   given here.