Due today in 10 hours…… please read first…… philosophy

this assignment is due in 10 hours…… must be done in 10 hours……. no late work 

Based on USA Philosophy 

The attachment (FALD master list)  has the instructions and you must follow them completely

There is a list of 45 

each answer will look like #4 in the attachment which is like this: 

  Appeal to common practice 

What it is: This is an attempt to justify an action or a practice (rather than a claim) by claiming that the action or practice is common. Caution: This may be a roundabout way of requesting “fair play,” in which case the person has bypassed the issue of what constitutes “fairness” (since that’s difficult to answer!) and has certainly in some instances circumvented the law or an established policy. The point is that even if it is true that lots of people do something, this fact by itself is not a sufficient reason to engage in their practice. Nazism and racism are obvious examples of things lots of people do, or have, engaged in, but that doesn’t justify the behavior. Example: “Everybody comes in late once in a while, so I’m not going to worry when I walk into class fifteen minutes late today.” 


The attachment has these instructions that you must follow and must edit the attachment 

 Assignment Details (Repeated on MS Word Document)

Our treatment of all of these – and the many more that you can find on the Internet! – will be selective, but this constitutes our required list.  So, this is the Big List, and your ASSIGNMENT is to:

  1. State what each FALD is (e.g., answer the question, “What is a circumstantial ad hominem fallacy?”);
  2. Give a clear example of each;
  3. Add a clear explanation of how the FALD gets used, making sure that your explanation is clear enough so that it separates the particular FALD you are writing about from all other FALDS that may otherwise resemble it;
  4. Refrain from using any of my words or examples that you may come across in subsequent “exam preparation” and “classroom presentation” copies of this list, and remove any of my own included examples once you have used them to help you understand what we are doing;
  5. You are free to use other people’s examples (although I prefer fresh examples), but when you do so, you must include a citation, preferably embedded within the text as opposed to printing the entire URL.
  6. Change the header information so that it accurately reflects that it is your work.


I also uploaded an attachment with info that may help you called FALD info

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