Cybersecurity part 2 | Information Systems homework help


Write an analysis of the identified systems, networks, and data by addressing the following points in 400–500 words, with respect to Sony organization. 

● What types of critical systems, networks, and data would you expect constitute Sony’s information infrastructure? Provide a brief description of these types of assets, and where relevant, the roles that these assets play in the organization. Consider conducting further research online, beyond the scope of the provided case study, to aid your answer. 

● Which of these critical assets do you think are the most essential to the organization’s ability to accomplish its mission? Explain why. 

● Do you think that the 2014 attack against Sony primarily targeted systems, networks, data, or a combination of all three? 

Please note that your answers to the Sony case study will be assessed according to the sound reasoning you have provided for your interpretation of the organization’s critical assets. In this regard, less emphasis should be placed on the accuracy of Sony’s business details, but rather on your justification of what assets you believe are essential to the organization, and their associated vulnerabilities. 

will be graded according to the following rubric:


Very   poor



Very   good



Adherence to brief 

Student has detailed the following: 

– The organization’s critical   systems, networks, and data

– Which of these assets are essential   to the organization achieving its mission

– The associated vulnerabilities of   the organization’s systems, networks, and data (if students are addressing   their own organization); or a justification of the critical assets targeted   in the hack (if students are addressing Sony)

Answer falls within the prescribed   word count (400–500 words). 

No submission. 


Student fails to address any element   of the brief. (0)

Some key elements are not addressed.   Most information provided is irrelevant.  


Answer   does not fall within the prescribed word count (100 words over word count).   (5.5)

Student   has adhered to most of the brief. Sufficient information is provided and is   mostly relevant. (7)

Student   has adhered to almost all elements of the brief. Almost all information is   provided and relevant. (8.5)

Student   has fully adhered to the brief. All information provided is comprehensive and   relevant. (10)


Insight into systems, networks, and   data 

Student has demonstrated their   understanding by providing a substantial description of the roles of the   critical systems, networks, and data they have identified within their   organization or Sony.

No submission. 


Student fails to demonstrate even   basic understanding of the organization’s systems, networks, and data. (0)

Student   shows an incomplete understanding of the organization’s systems, networks,   and data. (5.5)

Student   demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the organization’s systems,   networks, and data. However, at least one aspect is either not entirely correct   or complete. (7)

Student   demonstrates a strong understanding of the roles of the organization’s   critical systems, networks, and data. Their analysis clearly illustrates   understanding and conveys a degree of insight. (8.5)

Student   demonstrates a thorough and incisive understanding of the roles of the   organization’s critical systems, networks, and data. Their analysis is   comprehensive and insightful. (10)


Insight into which assets (systems,   networks, or data) are essential to an organization accomplishing its mission   

Student has demonstrated their   understanding by providing a substantial description of the most essential   asset (systems, networks, or data) their organization or Sony depends on.

No submission. 


Student fails to demonstrate even   basic understanding of the organization’s most essential assets. (0)

Student   shows an incomplete understanding of the organization’s essential assets.   (5.5)

Student   demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the organization’s essential   assets. However, at least one aspect is either not entirely correct or   complete. (7)

Student   demonstrates a strong understanding of the chosen organization’s essential   assets. Their analysis clearly illustrates understanding and conveys a degree   of insight. (8.5)

Student   demonstrates a thorough and incisive understanding of the chosen   organization’s essential assets. Their analysis is comprehensive and   insightful. (10)


For students focusing on their   organization: 

Insight into the vulnerabilities of   critical systems, networks, and data

Student has demonstrated their   understanding by accurately describing the vulnerabilities of the critical   systems, networks, and data within their organization. 

For students focusing on Sony

Insight into the critical systems,   networks, and data affected by the Sony hack

Student has demonstrated their   understanding by accurately describing the critical systems, networks, and   data that were affected by the Sony hack.

No submission.


Student fails to demonstrate even   basic understanding of the vulnerabilities of the organization’s critical   systems, networks, and data. (0)

No submission.


Student fails to demonstrate even   basic understanding of the critical systems, networks, and data that were   affected in the Sony hack. (0)

Student shows   an incomplete understanding of the vulnerabilities of the organization’s   critical systems, networks, and data. (5.5)

Student   shows an incomplete understanding of the critical systems, networks, and data   that were affected in the Sony hack. (5.5)

Student   demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the vulnerabilities of the   organization’s critical systems, networks, and data. However, at least one   aspect is either not entirely correct or complete. (7)

Student demonstrates   satisfactory understanding of the critical systems, networks, and data that   were affected in the Sony hack However, at least one aspect is either not   entirely correct or complete. (7)

Student   demonstrates a strong understanding of the vulnerabilities of the   organization’s critical systems, networks, and data. Their analysis clearly   illustrates understanding and conveys a degree of insight. (8.5)

Student   demonstrates a strong understanding of the critical systems, networks, and   data that were affected in the Sony hack. Their analysis clearly illustrates   understanding and conveys a degree of insight. (8.5)

Student   demonstrates a thorough and incisive understanding of the vulnerabilities of   the organization’s critical systems, networks, and data. Their analysis is   comprehensive and insightful. (10)

Student   demonstrates a thorough and incisive understanding of the critical systems,   networks, and data that were affected in the Sony hack. Their analysis is   comprehensive and insightful. (10)


Organization of writing

Answer is structured clearly and   logically.

No submission.


Complete lack of logical structure.   (0)

Answer   has some logical structure, but not enough to justify a passing grade. (5.5) 

Answer   is structured fairly well in terms of logic and clarity. (7)

Answer   is structured very well in terms of logic and clarity. (8.5) 

Answer   is structured exceptionally well in terms of logic and clarity. (10)

Total: 50 points