Cyb 100 – week 5 – individual: using phoenixconnect as a private
Using the following instructions, set up a Private Cloud using PhoenixConnect:
- Open a new document in Microsoft® Word and save it as CYB100_F100. You will use this file for your answers to the questions below.
- Login into using your assigned username and password
- From the top navigation menu select PhoenixConnect
- Click on My Profile, and add at least one piece of information into your profile
- Click on Communities
- Search for College of Information Systems & Technology
- Select the College of Information Systems & Technology group
- In the right-hand panels under Actions select “Create a Document”
- Click the Browse button and browse your local storage media and click open to upload CYB100_F100
- Name the new document CYB_100_YourLastName
- Click on the Collaboration Options at the bottom of the page
- Set the Collaboration to “Just You”
- Click on Publish
- Click on your Profile and select the Content tab
Answer the following questions in a 1/2-page Microsoft® Word document titled CYB100_F100:
- Explain if it is necessary to login to PhoenixConnect? Why or why not? What form of authentication does this represent?
- Explain what PhoenixConnect is, what its intended purpose is, and the restrictions of PhoenixConnect
- Explain how your profile was created. Include in this explanation the importance of reviewing and editing the profile content. Explain how this relates to integrity of information.
- Explain how PhoenixConnect content can be used for a secure and private cloud. Address access control and permissions and cybersecurity provisions in the context of a private cloud application. From your experience with this asset, is this cloud hardened? Why or why not?