City of floma audit report
City of Floma Audit Report
Your skills with Microsoft Word are highly regarded by the partners in the consulting firm that hired you. You are tasked with finishing the 2018 annual audit report for the City of Floma. The audit report has been completed by consultants and the lead consultant wrote an executive summary. You will insert the executive summary in the report, format the report professionally and prepare a mail merge to the city council members that includes a link to the report.
Document Formatting
a. Open w00_cumexam_data and save it as w00_cumexam_LastFirst.
b. Begin by inserting a cover page which serves as the city’s document standard. Choose the Whisp cover page. Type Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Report in the Document title placeholder. Delete the Document subtitle, Date, and Author placeholders. Type Garcia, Yung & Carter, Auditors in the Company name placeholder.
c. Change the document’s color scheme to Yellow Orange.
d. Delete the first two paragraphs on page two.
e. In the blank paragraph under the heading Executive Summary, insert the text from the document w00_cumexam_exec. Delete the blank paragraph above the heading Introduction.
f. Create a header with Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Report centered and City of Floma right aligned. Create a 3 pt bottom paragraph border in Light Yellow, Background 2, Darker 10%.
g. Insert an Accent Bar 1 Bottom of Page page number. Ensure that the header and footer on the first page are different and have no text in them.
h. Modify the line spacing of the Normal style to 1.5. Add a first line indent of 0.3”.
i. Modify the styles Heading 1 and Heading 2 to remove the first line indent.
Organize Data in Tables
j. Insert a blank paragraph at the end of the document. Select the heading Supporting Tables on page three and the table underneath and move them to the bottom of the document. Insert a page break before the heading Supporting Tables.
k. Select the table under the heading Supporting Tables and apply the style No Spacing.
l. Add a table caption below the table with the text Table 1: Overtime analysis. The label Table 1 is added by Word.
m. Apply the Plain Table 3 table style.
n. Replace the hyphen in Full-time in row 1, column 2 with a non-breaking hyphen.
o. Bottom left align the text in row 1, column 1. Bottom right align the text in all but the first column of row 1.
p. Adjust the width of column 1 so that the words Police Department do no break across two lines. Equally distribute the width of the other columns.
q. Merge the cells in columns 1 through 4 in the bottom row of the table. Type the text Total New Hires: (include the colon) in the merged cell. Right-align the text.
r. Insert a formula in row 4, column 5 to calculate the total new hires. Delete the comment left by Carter.
s. Review the document for spelling and grammar errors. Ignore all occurrences of the word Floma.
Improve Document Structure using References
t. Insert a Table of Contents before the heading Executive Summary. Choose Automatic Table 2. Modify the styles TOC 1 and TOC 2 to remove the first line indent.
u. Insert the following Document From Web site citation before the period ending the sentence The data was reviewed in the second paragraph below the heading Introduction:
Corporate Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office
Name of Web Page: Government Auditing Standards: 2011 Revision
Year: 2011
Month: December
Day: 1
Create a Mail Merge to Send the Executive Summary
v. Share the audit report document online and get a link.
w. Open w00_cumexam_letter and save it as w00_cumexam_letter_LastFirst.
x. Paste the link to the audit report document at the end of the line that starts with You may access.
y. Conduct a mail merge using the City of Floma Council Members sheet of the w00_cumexam_council Excel file as the data source.
z. Delete the word Dear on the first line, and then insert a greeting line using the format Dear Mr. Randall. Match the field Courtesy Title to Salutation. Preview the results.
aa. At the end of the letter, add two blank paragraphs. Leave the first blank. Type JoAnna Carter, CPA, insert a line break, and then type Lead Auditor.
bb. Complete the merge of the document producing a new document with four pages. Save the merged document as w00_cumexam_merged_LastFirst.
cc. Save and close all files. Based on your instructor’s directions, submit the following: w00_cumexam_LastFirst (the audit report)
w00_cumexam_letter_LastFirst (the mail merge document)
w00_cumexam_merged_LastFirst (the merged letters)