Bus 322 quiz 6 | Accounting homework help


Question 1 

Research on the impact of moods on tasks that involve considerable cognitive demands suggests that:


positive moods result in better   performance.


negative moods result in better   performance.


a person’s mood doesn’t really make a   difference on his or her tasks.


there is a curvilinear relationship   between mood and tasks requiring high cognitive demands.

Question 2 

In the rational model, the decision maker strives to:






select the alternative agreeable to the   majority.


apply a heuristic.

Question 3 

An organization should practice or provide all of the following except ________ if it wants to encourage employee creativity.


close supervision


participative decision making


peer support


flexible organizational structure

Question 4 

The model of bounded rationality was first proposed by ________.


Victor Vroom


Phillip Yetton


Herbert Simon


Carl Jung

Question 5 

Heuristics are:


algorithms based on complex decision   making.


complex decision rules used in   complex situations.


shortcuts in decision making that   save mental activity.


mathematical approaches to decision   making.

Question 6 

A group decision technique that facilitates expert input by using a panel of experts is ________.


the nominal group technique


dialectical inquiry




the Delphi technique

Question 7 

Which of the following is a characteristic of quality teams?


They provide advice to managers who   still retain decision-making authority.


They operate in parallel fashion to   an organization’s structure.


They emphasize the generation of   ideas.


They make data-based decisions about   improving products.

Question 8 

According to research, which of the following decision-making models portrays the managerial decision process more realistically?


The rational model


The garbage can model


The bounded rationality model


The incremental model

Question 9 

In the context of types of creativity, which of the following is NOT a type of creativity?









Question 10 

The rational model of decision making assumes:


preferences of the decision maker are   inconsistent.


that all possible alternatives can’t   be known to decision makers.


that outcomes can’t be optimized.


that the decision maker can calculate   the probability of success for alternatives.

Question 11 

The fourth step in the Z model of problem solving is:


data collection.


problem diagnosis.


impact analysis.


objective analysis of alternatives.

Question 12 

Continuing to support a failing course of action is known as:


the theory of sunk costs.


the Z problem solving model.


conflicted reason theory.


escalation of commitment.

Question 13 

All of the following are characteristics of a nonprogrammed decision situation except:









Question 14 

The final step in the decision-making process is:




exploring alternatives.


feedback and monitoring.


selecting a course of action.

Question 15 

A key organizational requirement for participation in decision making includes:


organizational politics.


a workforce consisting of individuals   with low self-esteem.


a supportive organizational culture.


people with individual motivation.

Question 16 

________ is power that is based on an agent’s ability to cause the target to have an unpleasant experience.


Legitimate power


Referent power


Coercive power


Social power

Question 17 

Empowerment can be thought about as being related to the job dimensions of:


content and variety.


autonomy and variety.


context and autonomy.


content and context.

Question 18 

The range in which attempts to influence the employee are perceived as legitimate and are acted on without a great deal of thought is known as:


the principal/agent range.


agency theory.


the zone of indifference.



Question 19 

According to Kanter’s perspective on power, which of the following is a symbol of powerlessness?


Making external attributions


Exceeding budget limitations


Loose supervision of subordinates


Delegating jobs and tasks

Question 20 

McClelland has found that managers who use power successfully have four power-oriented characteristics. Which of the following is one of these characteristics?


Belief in delegation of authority


Preference for work and discipline


Putting personal needs before the   company


Ability to get placements for favored   employees

Question 21 

________ refers to actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one’s personal goals.




Standing by


Political behavior


External attributions

Question 22 

McClelland’s two faces of power include:


coercive and rewarding powers.


legitimate and illegitimate powers.


personal and social powers.


interpersonal and intrapersonal   powers.

Question 23 

Korda’s symbols of power focus on:


the ability to help others.




access to information.



Question 24 

Which of the following types of power would a Machiavellian manager rely on?


Social power


Information power


Personal power


Referent power

Question 25 

In the context of the employee empowerment grid, ________ represents a situation that is typical of autonomous work groups that have some decision-making power over both job content and job context.


participatory empowerment


task setting


mission defining



Question 26 

Enlarging an individual’s zone of indifference is best accomplished through:









Question 27 

In the context of the four dimensions of empowerment, ________ is the belief that one’s job makes a difference within the organization.









Question 28 

Which of the following sets of dimensions comprises the essence of empowerment?


Teamwork, delegation, trust, and autonomy


Meaning, teamwork, competence, and   trust


Delegation, trust, competence, and   autonomy


Meaning, competence,   self-determination, and impact

Question 29 

All of the following are considered a key dimension for being politically skillful except:


social astuteness.


networking ability.


interpersonal influence.



Question 30 

Which of the following personality characteristics is central to empowerment?


Locus of control


Emotional stability



