All shook up by glenn c. altschuler essay


Altschuler states that rock n’ roll was “anything but a “great unifying force,” [it] kept many Americans in the 1950s off balance, on guard, and uncertain about their families and the future of their country (Altschuler, 34).”

How does the emergence and popularity of rock n’ roll in the 1950s show a shift in the thinking and ideology of American society?

When writing this paper, consider the following questions:
-What role did rock n’ roll play in race relations in the 1950s, the burgeoning civil rights movement, and black identity? 

-How did rock n’ roll factor in with changing ideas on sex during the decade?

-Was the fear of rock n’ roll by older generations warranted, or merely a reaction to new norms?

-What role did the music and culture of the 1950s play in pushing America forth into the more turbulent 1960s?

A good paper will consider these questions and provide evidence from the book, your textbook, class to support your answer.

This essay should not include sources outside of the text, your textbook, and information from lecture.

Papers should be 3-4 pages in length double spaced size 12 font

Citations should be written as Chicago Style footnotes.
Example: Glenn C. Altschuler, All Shook Up: How Rock n’ Roll Changed America (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pg #.